Quick summary of GIS day inspired survey results.

Updated : 2021-12-06

Questions that include an “other” option allowed individuals to input text. I was not able to gather the number of times that happen. We will still need to go to the data found here to get those specifics.

Q1 : Which geospatial platform(s) would you like help using? (Check all that apply.)


Table showing results from question 1

Q2 : What type of geospatial training are you interested in receiving? (Check all that apply.)


Table showing results from question 1

Q3 : Which programming language would like to receive training in? (Check all that apply.)


Table showing results from question 1

Q4 : What training format do you prefer? (Check all that apply.)


Table showing results from question 1

Spatial Data Sharing

Q5 : What kinds of geospatial data do you need assistance in finding or accessing? (Check all that apply.)


  • Satellite data
  • High-resolution imagery
  • Licensed data
  • Historical data
  • Real-time data
  • Model data
  • other

Table showing results from question 5

Q6 : Are you interested in sharing your spatial data online? If so, please describe.

writen response

Q7 : Would you like to be involved with guiding the development of geospatial data delivery services on campus?


  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe